
Akinola Dixon
2 min readOct 7, 2023
Psalms 24:1–2. Everything belongs to Him apparently 😲

How are prayers answered? How do coincidences happen? Where does inspiration come from? Where is instinct birthed? The more I understand about life, the more I realise I know nothing. This does not mean I won’t try to figure things out though, as I believe that is one of our primary objectives as humans…To decrypt secret things.

I have always been curious; tunneling down rabbit holes as far as I can, while trying to maintain my mental health as I uncover these secret things. The only valid answer I could come up with to the aforementioned questions is that there is a spiritual realm that has some form of influence on our daily lives as humans. No doubt about it. It’s like some piece of code that is wired into every being on earth which subtly influences us to outcomes which we are yet to find out. Some days I feel we are in a huge simulation, other days I feel like we are in a giant movie that is playing out in real-time.

Who knows really??

Today, I found out that there is someone who is 13,713 km away planning the exact elaborate plan that I have been working on for the past decade (which inevitably involves me having to “move” to another country 🇰🇪 to execute on). Truly, many are called but few are chosen.

The Creator of this world is truly a Master Planner, and definitely loves redundancies. At this point, extreme humility will be required to be part of the chosen.

